Verbal reasoning tests examine the ability to understand reading comprehension and analyzing verbal information, in order to find desired information. Another factor, which they check is the speed of reading and ability to make quick decisions. Verbal ability tests are associated with analytical tests, but awarded points have different weights, depending on the department, to which you are applying. In the departments, where the requirement of working with written information is quite high, for example, tax department or business consultancy, points from verbal ability tests have more importance in the total score. Apparently, these tests, similar to numerical test, are not difficult. However, only few people are aware of the fact that around 50-80% of candidates fail the test! Hence, there is a large discrepancy in the number of individuals, who attempt to solve these tests, and manage to proceed to the next stage of recruitment process, which is usually at an Assessment Center.Why do so many people fail at the test stage? There are three main reasons: 1. Time factor - usually, tests are made in such a way, that practically, it is impossible to answer all the questions in such a short time – approx. 20 minutes2. Limited opportunity to prepare for the tests - employers keep their tests a secret and it is not easy to find any related publications, which may prepare an individual for the test, thereby, increasing the chance of passing it and controlling anxiety3. Aim of the tests - the main aim of the tests is to eliminate the highest possible number of unsuitable candidates before the more costly recruitment step, which is in the Assessment Center.What to do, in order to be one of these 20% of candidates? There is only one answer to this question – practice. By practicing, you will gain skills, which will make the real test much easier. It is estimated that you should practice at least 3 complete tests, in conditions similar to the real test. What exactly do you get in “Verbal reasoning tests – Practical Examples”? - 5 complete tests in a form, which is the most popular among the largest employers - three of them examine reading comprehension and consist of a series of passages. Several statements are provided under each passage. Each statement has to be reviewed and the decision has to be taken, whether it is false or correct in the context of the given text or whether information contained in the passage does not allow the individual to make a logical decision - next two tests examine vocabulary and identifying logical connections between the words - in total more than 200 questions - additionally, it includes a complete set of answers, together with an explanation to difficult questions, so that the progress can be monitored