How to Use LinkedIn to Find a Job… In conjunction with your resume, LinkedIn is one of the most effective online resource tools available today. The Simple Art of LinkedIn will provide you with an end-to-end approach in understanding Linkedin, to build an effective LinkedIn profile and align it with your resume. In addition, you will be able to familiarize yourself with the many LinkedIn tools that can be used to build your profile and network with other professionals. In the short term this approach will assist you in using LinkedIn to effectively market yourself in pursuit of your dream job and over a longer term, it will allow you to build a dynamic profile and assist in managing a successful career.For past 9 years I have built my LinkedIn profile and used it successfully to spring board my career. It has proven to be the single most important tool in my career advancement. I am compelled to share with you the concepts, principles and the Do's and Don'ts associated with the successful use of LinkedIn. Although I have been successful in many instances, it has taken time to cultivate my skills and learn the pitfalls associated with the career building process. The good news is that you do not have to have that same experience. The Simple Art of LinkedIn will inspire and empower you to go forward in confidence knowing that you can create LinkedIn profile, as a point of reference for any job opportunity, and how to use this tool to best manage your career.