Are you a twenty-something adult who should be happily on your own, but you are struggling to get launched into your adult life? Maybe you have a degree, but you aren't quite sure what to do with it. You are looking at the job sites and struggling to find something which matches your skills, experiences and needs. Or maybe you haven't even gotten that far yet. Maybe you took school as far as it could go for you, and yet the workplace didn't step up with anything you felt right doing.So, here you are—still living with your parents, not really sure how to move yourself onto something better, and needing a plan to get yourself adulted once and for all. This bootcamp may just be your thing. It will teach you, truth by gentle truth, how real adults live their lives. And I'll tell you something, 'real' adulting isn't any more magical and perfect than the life-at-home you are living now. That's the first truth you'll have to accept on this little journey. Sometimes, adults (yes, that means you too!) have to struggle a bit. They have to face uncomfortable realities. They have to pay money for things which are not fun and rewarding, and prioritize needs over wants, and do things they might not care to do because someone else is relying on them. But the flip side? Real adults are in charge of their own destinies. They get to make their own choices and live by their own rules. You can do that too. You can run your own ship and make your own destiny. The trick is having a plan, and that's what this book is going to give you. You'll find tricks for improving your attitude, your choices and your sense of self-worth. You'll learn how to live with dignity and real, adult self-respect—even while you're living with your parents—and how to get started on the next steps to get out on your own. All you need to get started, other than this book, is a notebook, a pen and a positive attitude.