This book is an easy-to-follow, how-to guide for facultyto achieve learning-centered teaching, and also provides readers with increasedknowledge about this evidence-based approach to teaching. It will provide specific guidance on how to begin, and how touse the change process gradually to improve teaching. After reading this book, faculty will be able to apply learning-centered teaching intheir courses without sacrificing content and rigor. Faculty will be able toexplain to students why they are using this approach and how it will fosterdeep and long-lasting student learning.This is areworking of the author’s 2009 Jossey-Bass book, called Developing Learner-Centered Teaching: A Practical Guide for Faculty. This new version is revised andexpanded in ways that will make it even more useful to faculty than theoriginal. The author is active in the POD Network, and frequently presents atLilly Bethesda.